Water Test and Quality of a Good Drinking water Quality of a good drinking water A good drinking water is the water that meet certain standard and criteria set by regulatory bodies, a good quality water can either be natural water like natural spring water or purified water, water that have undergone treatment. A good quality water must meet the following standard as shown in the table1 below A good quality water must be tested for the present of heavy metals, and also microbial screening must be carried out to ensure that the water is not only free of heavy metals but also free of micro organisms. The table 1 only shows preliminary test, test that can be easily done in any laboratory and they give a clue on what to expect on further investigation. Table 2 and table 3 below shows required standard for heavy metals and micro organisms respectively. In order to achieve the above set standard for drinking water, water treatment plant is required...
Iron is one of the major secondary contaminant in both domestic and industrial water supply. Iron have caused water industries several billions of dollars . Iron is the second most abundant metal in the earth's crust behind Aluminum(8%), of which iron accounts for about 5%. Elemental iron is rarely found in nature, as the iron ions Fe2+ and Fe3+ readily combine with oxygen- and sulfur-containing compounds to form oxides, hydroxides, carbonates, and sulfides. As rain fall, rain water infiltrates the soil and underlying geologic formations and dissolves iron, causing it to seep into aquifers that serve as sources of groundwater for wells. In surface water, such as rivers and lakes, dissolved iron is hardly ever found, because it readily reacts with oxygen, forms insoluble compounds and sinks out into the bottom of the water body. Iron is seldom found at concentrations greater than 10 milligrams per liter (mg/L) or 10 parts per million. The iron that seep into the sources of g...